Genesis 19// Lot in Sodom




  • Lot was a man with authority, property, and influence in the city of Sodom. He Chose to live there because he knew these things were possible. Lot was a righteous man living in an unrighteous city trying to do the right thing. When the two men came to his city he sheltered them immediately, and he protected them from the men of the city. But in his attempt to be an honorable man in the sight of the visitors, he offered his daughters to the men instead. The angels then rescued Lot and ordered him to gather his family and leave the city. When he attempted, he was unable to accurately get their attention and get the seriousness of the situation across to them. Lot comprised his influence because he got too close to the sin of the city.


  • Have you ever examined your surroundings? Do you have people around you that are causing you to compromise what you believe in?


  • Are you positioned in a situation that you need to remove yourself from? Maybe a group of friends, a team, a family situation you need to work through?



  • Spend some time thinking about those areas of your life that are causing you to compromise. Ask God to reveal those areas to you. Then ask God to give you the strength to walk away from those areas and follow him fearlessly.

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